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APREE periodically releases publications that are concerned with the empowerment of our various communities. Below are the descriptions of some of our publications with downloadable versions of each publication. Be sure to check back periodically for future publications! 


If you would like to collaborate with us in the creation of future publications either fill out (this form) > "contact us" or send an email to:

El Centro

The members of APREE have raised an issue of significant importance to Puerto Rican studies students, faculty, staff, and the community at large, both in New York and beyond. The impending change in administration at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies presents the community of scholars, faculty, and community end-users with an opportune moment to revisit the standing in CUNY of this prestigious and singular research facility. Click here to learn more about the letter sent to Chancellor Matos - Rodriguez and President Raab.


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We welcome your feedback. Please contact us at


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Not a White Paper (NAWP)

At this political moment, it is easy to be defensive and to think of all the things that are not possible in the current environment. It is all to easy to forget that not only does the Puerto Rican community have a long and rich history of struggle, but that we have won major victories in this struggle and have in fact changed the face of higher education during a time when we faced enormous challenges and had almost no resources.  Our Not a White Paper tells this story and the story of many of the actors who were involved. As long time activists, we know how important it is to control our own narratives and as such we focus on our strengths as a community, then and now. In both the form of the paper, (telling our stories) and in the content, we use an asset based approach. 

Many of the activists you will meet here were some of the original founders of ethnic and women studies programs in higher education. We were also some of the people who fought for and won free college tuition for all young people in New York City; a policy which was in place for 7 years. We have learned from our history that this is a moment to be even more creative and bold and to not give in to those elements that want to hide and revise our stories and histories for their own ends. We want young people to know that their stories matter and that they can be used to change the world.


We welcome your feedback and offer this Not a White Paper to further the conversation, 

email us at

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APREE Supports the Department of Puerto Rican and

Latino Studies at Brooklyn College

The members of APREE, many of whom are alums of Brooklyn College (CUNY), and the community at large are compelled to insure the continued existence and development of one of the most respected and long lasting interdisciplinary university programs in the CUNY system. It is with deep concern and dismay that the current and past situation of the Department of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies at Brooklyn College, with regard to discriminatory practices of the college's administration, has yet to be resolved. The understaffing of the department and administrative decisions lacking the input of the department's chair puts into question the college's commitment to the students, faculty and staff, and limites the department's growth and development. 


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In supporting the Department of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies at Brooklyn College. You can start by downloading our position paper and sharing it with your networks!


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The Mission of the Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment (APREE) is to advocate for social transformation through programs focused on education and the advancement of the Puerto Rican community.

© 2021 APREE, Inc.

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