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Aligned with our mission to advocate for social transformation through programs focused on education and the advancement of the Puerto Rican community, APREE has developed multiple educational programming and projects throughout New York City.Below are brief descriptions about our current projects with links for more information.   


Brooklyn College Evelina Antonetty Voter Registration

APREE Educational Film

Making The Impossible Possible

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This film tells the story of the student-led struggle to win Puerto Rican Studies at Brooklyn College, CUNY, in the late 1960s. Puerto Rican, African American, and other progressive students and faculty forged a powerful alliance and together changed the face of higher education with the founding of one of the first Puerto Rican Studies departments in the nation. 

Puerto Rican Pioneras Digital Exhibit

Curated by Esther Farmer and Tony Nieves, founding members of APREE, this exhibit is dedicated to the original pioneering women who have made significant contributions to the history of Puerto Rico and the U.S. They came from all walks of life and were poets, children of slaves, educators, labor organizers, politicians, lawyers, doctors and revolutionaries, Many of them died penniless after a life of struggle and commitment. We stand on the shoulders of these women giants, our mothers, and sisters. APREE is proud to honor them. 


Click on the images below to see pictures of selected pioneras and a blurb describing their legacy. 


Dr. Lisette Nieves Program

The purpose of the Dr..Lisette Nieves program is to build on APREE’s Not a White Paper (NAWP) Narratives Presentation-telling intergenerational stories with the goal of moving towards an asset based approach to advocacy and equity in education for our youth simultaneously engaging youth and the general community in the process. The 10-session curriculum encouraged youth through drama based activities in expressing and performing their own stories related to Identity, Language, Bullying, Leadership and Activism and other social issues. With the guidance and support of facilitators, students of the program wrote and dramatized their own stories related to the identified topics. APREE members, guest educators and artists are all part of the program. At least two adults associated with APREE are present during the sessions. Readers Theatre, Drama, Story Telling, and Poetry are utilized.


Embedded within the curriculum was an "Intro to College" workshop series, culminating with a trip to Brooklyn College-CUNY. High School students attended a campus tour and lecture-talk. 

Images from the 2017-2018 Academic Year Program

Hurricane Relief Education Fund

We are no longer accepting donations for this fund.

In Response to the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, APREE created a Hurricane Relief Education Fund- dedicated to supporting the education of the children and youth of Puerto Rico impacted by Hurricane's Irma and Maria in 2017.


Below is a Thank You video dedicated to our donors discussing the impact of their donation. 


*Narrative written by Cesar Cardona mentioned in video will be posted soon! 

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The Mission of the Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment (APREE) is to advocate for social transformation through programs focused on education and the advancement of the Puerto Rican community.

© 2021 APREE, Inc.

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